Women in the reproductive age range are frequently affected by the illness known as Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). A hormonal imbalance (excessive androgen production) that affects the ovaries is what leads to PCOS. The menstrual cycle includes the release of eggs from the ovaries during ovulation, which occurs every month. Contrary to what most people believe there is a successful ayurvedic treatment for PCOS

In PCOS, the ovaries either do not generate any eggs or do not release any eggs, which causes irregular and extended menstrual periods. The ovaries form tiny fluid-filled sacs called follicles, which prevent the release of eggs. Menstrual cycle irregularities result in:

  • Infertility (the inability to conceive)
  • The ovary develops fluid-filled sacs called cysts.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) symptoms

These are some of the typical PCOS symptoms.

  • Women may experience irregular menstrual cycles.
  • Missed periods may occasionally last a long time. This may continue for several months.
  • A uterine lining that is thicker than usual is the reason for severe bleeding. Long, heavy bleeding periods are common among women.
  • The back, belly, chest, and face may all experience excessive hair growth. This ailment, commonly known as hirsutism, can be a highly bothersome PCOS symptom.
  • Areas including the face, chest, and back are more likely to experience acne breakouts.
  • Studies have shown that managing one’s weight can dramatically lessen the symptoms of PCOS in the up to 80% of females who have the condition.
  • Women with PCOS may have hair thinning and loss. The body’s overabundance of androgens is the cause of this. 
  • The nose, crotch, under the breasts, and other places may develop dark skin pigmentation or patchy skin growth.
  • A hormonal imbalance known as PCOS can occasionally result in headaches.
  • Women with PCOS may have feelings of discomfort, such as pain in the pelvic area, along with weariness.

Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome)

Ayurveda involves more than just taking natural medications. Consultation with an ayurvedic doctor like Dr. Chanchal Sharma who may provide PCOS treatment in Ayurveda and medications based on the patient’s medical state, is important in order to treat PCOS at its source.

The list of herbs that can be used to treat PCOS is provided in the section below.

Cinnamon: Made from the bark of a cinnamon tree, cinnamon is used as a spice as well as a treatment for several illnesses and problems. According to a survey, 50% of all women said that cinnamon helps to encourage a normal menstrual cycle, especially for those who have PCOS.

Turmeric: Inflammatory properties of turmeric reduce insulin resistance and enhance PCOS symptoms. Additionally, turmeric extracts aid with lipid profiles, hormones, antioxidant status, and glycemic status, which treat PCOS more successfully and effectively.

Ashwagandha: Ayurvedic herb ashwagandha is sometimes referred to as winter cherry and Indian ginseng. Stress and PCOS symptoms are further improved by controlling cortisol levels. As they have minimal adverse effects and enhance health advantages, ayurvedic herbs and therapies are helpful for PCOS. Visit Dr. Chanchal Sharma for PCOS treatment in Delhi, if you are looking for natural health care services in India, including Ayurvedic treatment.

The following procedures are used in ayurvedic treatment for PCOS:

  • Body cleansing using ayurveda
  • Strengthening and reviving the female reproductive system
  • The hormonal imbalance being corrected
  • Addressing insulin resistance and obesity

In ayurveda, panchakarma is the first line of treatment for PCOS. An individualized plan is created by the ayurveda specialist following a thorough evaluation.

Panchakarma for PCOS and Infertility

Ayurveda’s “Panchakarma” therapy offers a crystal-clear solution to the current era’s growing PCOS issue. The uterus, ovaries, Fallopian tubes, female vagina, and male testis gain strength during panchakarma therapy. Panchakarma therapy maintains the hormone balance. Panchakarma in Ayurveda makes it simple for you to get pregnant.

Panchakarma is Sanskrit for “five arts.” All five therapies are detoxification processes that purge the body’s systems and eliminate contaminants. The five treatments include:

1. Vamana: An ayurvedic method of inducing vomiting via herbs. Vamana is crucial for the long-term care of PCOS since it increases fertility, aids in hormone balancing, and does so.

2. Virechana: To remove all types of impurities, herbal laxatives are used in the form of medicated oils during this cleaning technique. Vierchana is useful at managing other PCOS symptoms as well as irregular or heavy periods.

3. Basti: Over the course of a few days, a series of medicated enemas are administered as one of the PCOS treatment options that is most strongly advised. Basti restores and cleanses the reproductive system, easing some PCOS symptoms.

4. Udvartana: In this technique, the entire body is rubbed with dry powder. An irritating symptom of PCOS, abundant acne, can be eliminated with body massage.

5. Nasya: The final Panchakarma procedure involves blowing dry powders or plants into the nose. Nasya therapy helps to alleviate PCOS symptoms by focusing on the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis.


Early diagnosis scenarios respond favorably to PCOS ayurvedic treatment and lifestyle changes. Dr Chanchal Sharma, Ayurvedic doctor get a complete medical history. Examining previous medical records and, if necessary, suggesting new investigations. The medicines are prescribed following a thorough analysis. Dr. Chanchal Sharma has made significant advancements in the field of Ayurvedic medicine. She is a firm believer in Ayurveda and actively shares the knowledge of this ancient practice with others.

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