Panchakarma Treatment for Uttar Basti

Panchakarma Treatment for Uttar Basti

Tubal blockage, or Fallopian tube obstruction, is a common reason for female infertility. Infertility complications might arise when an ovum and sperm cannot fuse due to a clogged tube. Panchakarma Treatment for uttar basti will be the saviour in this situation.

Fallopian tube blockage symptoms

You probably won’t even know if your fallopian tubes are blocked. Modern women may encounter it while trying to conceive, but they know relatively little about it.

Some women have minor pain on one side of their bellies because their fallopian tubes are Blocked. Hydrosalpinx is the medical word for this obstruction. Endometriosis, which causes painful and prolonged menstruation, may contribute to tubal obstruction and related symptoms. Miscarriages and repeated abortions also cause tubal obstruction.

The Impact of Tubal Obstruction on Fertility

A common cause of infertility is obstruction of the fallopian tubes. When an egg and sperm connect in the fallopian tubes, fertilizations occurs. If the tubes become obstructed, fertilizations cannot take place. It is hard for a woman to conceive if her tubes are entirely blocked. A woman’s risk of having an ectopic pregnancy increases if she becomes pregnant when her tubes are partially Blocked.

Eggs may have trouble descending the fallopian tube if there is a blockage. However, if only one fallopian tube is blocked, the mature egg may still be fertilized because it has one route to go through. In addition, medicine can boost fertility in one partner.

Fallopian tube blockage causes

Many factors, including scar tissue or pelvic adhesions, can lead to obstructed fallopian tubes. Scar tissue or pelvic adhesions commonly block the fallopian lines. Dr Chanchal Sharma says there are several potential causes, including:

Inflammatory illness of the pelvis (PID)

Pelvic inflammatory illness is an infection of the female reproductive system. The bacteria that cause this infection enter your body through your genital organs and spread to the uterus and fallopian tubes.


Like endometrial, this malignant growth can occur in other body parts. Inflammation and irritation are the results of these tissues. They block the ovaries from receiving the eggs.

Recurrent ectopic pregnancies

Since an egg can be fertilized even after a partial blockage of the fallopian tube, but it can also get lodged in the tube, and surgery can lead to ectopic pregnancy, this is a medical emergency.


Fibroids are a common cause of fallopian tube obstruction. The blood returning from the uterus is impacted. This damages the uterine wall and stunts the development of the embryos.


Abdominal surgery in the past might potentially cause fallopian tube blockage. There is a chance that the scar tissue from the abdominal surgery will permanently attach itself to the abdominal wall or other organs.

Abortion and D&C

D&C and abortion can also cause tubal blockage.

Genital Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis (TB) causes a disproportionately high death and disability in women in poor nations. It causes infertility by damaging the fallopian tubes and other reproductive systems of females.

What role does Uttar Basti play in alleviating Tubal Obstruction?

Ayurvedic medicine includes Uttarbasti as one of its Panchakarma Therapy for Tubal blockage. Issues related to the urinary and genital systems are dealt with.

Ayurvedic practitioners have found that Uttar basti, or the instillation of medicine into the uterus, is the most effective blocked fallopian tube treatment in ayurveda. The Artava Vaha Strotas, or reproductive organs, are cleansed without surgery.

Technique of Uttar Basti

Medicated oils or decoctions are inserted into the bladder through the urethra in the Ayurvedic therapy method known as Uttar basti. A basti yantra is a specialised device commonly used for operation.

The patient is often given a modest diuretic to empty the bladder and a purgative to clear the intestines before the procedure. After that, the patient is put into a relaxed position, typically resting on their back with a pillow under their hips to raise their pelvic area.

After inserting the basti yantra into the urethra for blocked fallopian tube treatment in ayurveda, Dr Chanchal Sharma allows the medicinal liquid to drain slowly into the bladder. Sometimes, the doctor may instruct the patient to retain their urine for 15 to 30 minutes before urinating.

The patient may be given light food and instructed to rest briefly after the treatment. A modest diuretic may be used to hasten emptying the bladder of medicinal fluids.

Urinary tract infections, recurrent cystitis, and bladder stones are just a few of the problems that can be helped by Uttar basti. A qualified Ayurvedic doctor like Dr Chanchal Sharma should do this operation.

Types of Uttara Basti

·   Garbhashaya Gata Vashti – The uterus is used to administer the Uttarbasti technique known as Garbhashaya Gata Vashti, which treats problems with the womb’s energy system (garbhashaya). Aids in the treatment of infections of the female genitourinary system.

·   Mutrashaya Gata Vashti – Infections are treated with medication inserted into the urinary tract.

Protocol for Treatment

Treatment protocol calls for 5 ml of Uttarbasti to be monitored regularly for six days. Even though a syringe isn’t used, this non-invasive treatment still needs to occur in a hospital operating room. During treatment, patients should limit their intake of spicy foods. The risk of constipation should be minimised by taking extra precautions.

Effectiveness of Uttara Basti

Uttarbasti is a cleansing activity with a high success rate and is a natural healing technique. Cleansing the uterus and other sexual organs and repairing monthly cycle irregularities, this product uses all-natural, side-effect-free substances to achieve these goals. Infertility, premature births, DUB, fibroids, poor sperm count, weakness, prostate development, etc., are all treated with uttarbasti in addition to tubal obstruction.

According to recent medical trends, People are increasingly opting for Panchakarma Treatment for uttar basti, especially for fertility concerns. When treating infertility, uttarbasti is a natural and risk-free alternative to invasive surgical procedures or steroid medication.


Located in Rajouri Garden, Delhi-110027, Aasha Ayurveda is known for its affordable, individualized Ayurvedic Panchakarma therapies. After a detailed consultation and Prakriti Analysis (Body Constitution), our professional physician Dr Chanchal Sharma decides on individualised Panchakarma therapies. Her Panchakarma services include nutritional guidance, herb prescription, massage, lifestyle coaching, and meditative practices. Professional medical attendants administer Panchakarma Treatment for uttar basti under the watchful eye of Dr Chanchal Sharma. More than 5,000 patients have benefited from our treatment thus far.

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