Fallopian Tube Blockage Treatment

The fallopian tubes are muscular tubes coated with fine hair-like structures. These “hairs” function in both directions, assisting an egg in traveling from the ovaries to the womb (uterus) and sperm in traveling up from the womb.

Each fallopian tube ends with fimbriae, which are finger-like features. Fimbriae catch and pull an egg into the Fallopian tubes when it is released from the ovary.

The fallopian tubes play a major role  in conception since they are where the most of eggs are fertilized. Any injured tissue can create obstacles in  any section of the fallopian tube that has been injured, such as by surgery or infection. After getting right Fallopian tube blockage treatment, your tubes start functioning again and then you may conceive naturally.  

Blocked fallopian tubes do not usually cause symptoms other than problems conceiving. Doctors often classify this as trying to conceive for a year without success.

Symptoms of a blocked fallopian tube may include pelvic or tummy pain. This discomfort could occur on a regular basis, such as during their menstrual cycle, or it could be constant. A blockage in a fallopian tube might cause a fertilized egg to become stuck. This is referred to as an ectopic pregnancy.

An ectopic pregnancy may not always cause symptoms and is typically identified during a scan. Some women may suffer pregnancy symptoms, such as stomach ache on one side of the body or vaginal bleeding. Any woman who believes she has an ectopic pregnancy should seek emergency medical assistance.

The fallopian tubes can become obstructed for a variety of reasons, including:

  • A history of pelvic infections
  • A previous burst appendix.
  • Having experienced a sexually transmitted disease, such as gonorrhea or chlamydia
  • Endometriosis is a disorder in which the uterine lining grows outside the uterus.
  • History of abdominal surgery.
  • Hydrosalpinx is the swelling and fluid at the termination of a fallopian tube.

All of these disorders have the potential to directly harm the fallopian tubes or other parts of the body. In most cases, these illnesses or procedures result in scar tissue, which can clog the tubes. If you notice any of these causes, you may consider the ayurvedic painless method for Fallopian tube blockage treatment.  

The female reproductive system consists of the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes. If you have a medical condition that affects any of these three areas, getting pregnant may be more difficult. A fallopian tube connects each of the two ovaries with the uterus. The ovaries store eggs and release them at random, with each ovary producing one egg per month.

For example, the right ovary may release an egg for three months in a row before the left ovary does the same the following month. Even if one of the fallopian tubes is blocked, an egg may still be fertilized. If both are blocked, this becomes less likely.

Blocked fallopian tubes might be difficult to detect. The tubes can open and close, making it difficult to determine whether they are obstructed or simply closed.

There are three main tests to diagnose tubal blockage and prescribe the right method for tubal blockage treatment:

An X-ray test called a hysterosalpingogram, or HSG. A doctor injects a harmless dye into the womb, which should go to the fallopian tubes. The stain is apparent on X-rays. If fluid does not flow into the fallopian tubes, they may be blocked.

Sonohysterogram is another term for an ultrasound test. This is similar to the HSG test, however it employs sound waves to create an image of the tubal blockage.

A doctor may be able to recommend a diagnosis based on your medical history. For example, a lady may have had a ruptured appendix in the past. If the woman has had problems conceiving, tubal blockage could be the cause and after the correct diagnosis she can go for the best tubal blockage treatment.

It can be classified as Vata-dominated tridosha illness. The primary cause of any disease is the vitiation of one or more doshas. Vitiation of the Vata is the most critical factor in tubal infertility. Its Ruksha and Khara gunas produce fallopian tube constriction, sclerosis, and stenosis. Kapha is also accountable for fallopian tubal blockage through its avrodhak Guna. Pitta may be responsible for Paka (inflammation) induced by several illnesses. So it is critical to recognize that not all tubal blockages are the same.

Uttarbasti is one of the best panchakarma techniques for the treatment of fallopian tube blockage. Uttar Basti is a procedure in which medicinal oil is put into the uterus on Days 6, 7, and 8 of your menstrual cycle and repeated after a three-day break for three additional days. This method helps to eliminate adhesions, inflammation, and other issues in the fallopian tubes, thereby opening them. There is a nearly 90% likelihood that tubes will open. In addition to ayurveda drugs, fallopian tube blockage treatment includes panchakarma treatments such as Vamana and virechana based on the patient’s needs. We can also treat a single obstructed fallopian tube. It enhances the likelihood of natural conception.

Apart from these methods you should change your lifestyle and dietary habits to get the best results.  

Vitamin C:

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps lower inflammation by improving immune system function. As a result, it is thought to mend scars and may benefit the fallopian tubes. The Office for Dietary Supplements recommends getting 100% of your vitamin C from your diet. However, it can be taken as a supplement. Vitamin C is not stored in the body, thus it must be consumed daily.

Turmeric :

Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory. Curcumin, the key element in turmeric, has been demonstrated to lower inflammation. You can take curcumin supplements, eat turmeric, or drink turmeric. Turmeric has no known adverse effects when used in small doses. However, in amounts over 8 grams per day, it can have a negative effect. Make sure to take the proper quantity of turmeric, or better yet, incorporate the spice into your food.

While turmeric has numerous benefits, no research has been conducted to determine whether it might help fallopian tube blockage treatment.

Ginger :

Ginger, another natural anti-inflammatory component, is widely used and has numerous advantages. A 2014 study found that gingerol, the main chemical in ginger, is both an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory.

Garlic :

Garlic is frequently recommended as a strategy to improve fertility and unclog tubes. A 2004 study on the fertility advantages of garlic revealed that it could help with fertility. More evidence is required to validate this.Aside from that ancient study, there is no proof that garlic improves fertility. However, a reasonable amount of garlic is completely safe, so it may be worth trying, plus there are additional health benefits to including garlic in your diet.

Exercise :

Regular exercise is very beneficial for someone’s health. It helps to improve your fertility and fallopian tube blockage treatment. 

Fallopian tube blockage treatment in ayurveda helps to rejuvenate your mind and body by removing all the disorders of the body by the ancient method. With the help of this article, we have selected a list of infertility doctors with an experienced and good track record. Ayurveda has a success rate of more than 90 percent, which is a surprising result, while the chances of success in IVF are very low and beyond the reach of the general public.

The practices of the Aasha Ayurveda Treatment Center not only help in the infertility of men and women but also give hope of living a healthy lifestyle by abandoning the various health issues. Ayurveda has shown magical results in the case of fallopian tube blockage treatment for many years, and we believe that it can be a solution to every health problem in life.

Consult our highly experienced and trained fertility specialists and gynecologists at these five branches of Aasha Ayurveda in Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad and Lucknow for a completely confidential consultation and get the best treatment for PCOD/PCOS, Tubal Blockage or female infertility.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q.1 What causes fallopian tube blockage? 

Fallopian tube blockage can be caused by various reasons like sexually transmitted diseases, fibroid, abdominal surgery, abdominal infections, tuberculosis, endometriosis, etc.

Q.2 Can I get pregnant with blocked fallopian tubes? 

Yes, you can get pregnant naturally with blocked fallopian tubes with the help of ayurvedic treatment without any surgery. You will have to maintain a healthy lifestyle and proper diet for this.

Q.3 Can you still have periods if your fallopian tubes are blocked? 

Yes, it is possible to have periods if your fallopian tubes are blocked but in that case a woman can experience heavy bleeding and irregular periods. 

Q.4 What are the effective home remedies for blocked fallopian tubes? 

There are some effective home remedies that can be helpful for tubal blockage treatment: vitamin C, antioxidant rich fresh fruits and vegetables, ginger, turmeric, garlic, etc. 

The information in this article has been given to us by Dr. Chanchal Sharma. If you want more information on this topic or other PCOS, tube blockages, or hydrosalpinx treatments. Visit Dr. Chanchal’s website, www.drchanchalsharma.com, or contact us at +91.9811773770.

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