Best Ayurvedic Treatment for infertility

Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Infertility

What are the Benefits of Ayurvedic Infertility Treatment?

What is Infertility?

What is Male infertility?

What are the causes of infertility in men?

  • Congenital abnormalities are birth defects. Some of the abnormalities seen inside gametes cause structural and developmental defects in the reproductive system.
  • Diseases of sperms can be caused by a variety of factors:
  • Diet is crucial. In the case of infertility, eating too many dry, bitter, salty, or acidic meals can cause seminal morbidity.
  • Behaviors include complete abstinence from sex, repression of natural urges, excessive physical activity, sexual abuse, or inhibiting sexual union with an unresponsive partner.
  • Sleeping schedule: If there is an unsuitable sleeping schedule, late night sleeping on a regular basis, or not sleeping enough, it may affect the quality and quantity of your sperm.
  • Psychological: Our minds influence the overall functioning of our bodies; worry, sadness, depression, fear, and other negative emotions can all contribute to sperm morbidity.
  • Sexual dysfunctions: Infertility happens when a person is elderly, suffers from major diseases, or engages in excessive sexual activity.

What are the Causes of Infertility among women?

  • Hormonal imbalance: Women’s hormones fluctuate throughout their lives, even on a monthly basis. A woman’s infertility can be caused by an abnormal menstrual cycle.
  • Environmental variables affect the body, mind, and spirit. So if you don’t get enough sleep, eat right, or exercise, your body will suffer. Also, if you are emotionally dissatisfied, stressed out, or have bad ideas, you are more likely to be affected.
  • Reproductive abnormalities: A few flaws may exist in females, which may impede the process of child conception. Women may struggle to conceive if they have a blocked fallopian tube, uterine fibroids, or a cervical canal defect.

What is the female infertility treatment in Ayurveda?

Best herbs for the treatment of female infertility 

  • Shatavari acts as a reproductive tonic, increasing fertility and vigor. It reduces stress and restores hormonal equilibrium.
  • Agnus Castus helps regulate the menstrual cycle. After their consumption, all of the unbalanced hormones return to their normal levels.
  • Cinnamon: It helps to reduce ovarian cysts while also enhancing fertility.

Dietary changes for infertile couples

  • Add fresh fruits to your diet. Fresh fruits are high in nutritional value. They contain vitamins, fibers, minerals, and water, which helps to keep the body in good health.
  • Green green vegetables are an essential. Include all of those green leafy vegetables because they will give you so many nutrients.
  • You should include fresh fruit, vegetables and juices into your regular diet. Drinking a glass of juice every day will help your body repair internally and give you a healthy glow.
  • Keep the body moisturized. Drink a lot of water. To add flavor to your water, add mint leaves, tulsi leaves, ginger, lemon, or cucumbers. You can also consume coconut water or milk.
  • Avoid processed, canned, and highly spiced foods.
  • Foods high in saturated fat and oily/sticky foods should be avoided.
  • Excessively processed salt and sugar should be avoided.
  • Intake of caffeine and Carbonated beverages in excessive amount should be avoided.
  • Avoid excessive dairy and milk products. 

What are the lifestyle changes that improve fertility among the infertile couples?

  • Weight maintenance : Obesity causes infertility due to various reasons so every infertile couple needs to maintain a balanced weight. 
  • Regular workout: Follow a workout plan that can help you lose weight, stay healthy, and promote proper oxygen circulation in the blood. So, stick to an exercise program, even if it’s a light workout!
  • Walk: If you are unable to design a fitness schedule, take a morning or evening walk. Mild jogging will also assist your muscles obtain oxygen.
  • Proper sleep: Sleep determines your health. So, make sure you get enough sleep, since it will benefit your lifestyle and health. Also, avoid taking midday naps.
  • Substance abuse: Alcohol, smoking, tobacco, and narcotics can all be a fantastic coping method, but all of them have an influence on your health and lessen your chances of being a parent. 

What are the important yoga asana and meditation for infertile couples?

The most important Ayurvedic treatments for the treatment of female infertility are as follows:

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