being the growing cause of infertility, Ayurveda views the association of endometriosis and infertility seriously. The pelvic pain in endometriosis is well managed by the ayurvedic treatment protocol.
Endometrial cells form the inner lining of the uterus. Sometimes these cells may grow outside the uterus in the pelvic cavity and such a condition is called endometriosis. The disorder is said to occur due to retrograde menstruation meaning the movement of debris towards the fallopian tube instead of downward through the vagina. The endometrial growth may develop on ovaries, fallopian tube, outside the uterus or may be in the other organs or on the lining of the abdominal cavity.
Such endometrial growth responds to the hormones in the same way as it would have been inside the uterus and bleeds at the time of periods. It causes inflammation and swelling that may result in scar tissue and adhesions.
Pelvic pain is the most common symptom of endometriosis, which worsens during periods. Women may suffer from pain during intercourse and while emptying the bladder, pain in the lower back and thighs. In women who are trying to have a baby may have a tough time in conceiving a child if with endometriosis. Many women are reported to suffer from endometriosis-associated infertility.
According to Ayurveda retrograde menstruation occurs due to disturbance in vata dosha. Vata dosha are of 5 types that governs the movement in the body in five directions i.e upward, downward, outward, inward and around. Apana vayu is one of the type of vata dosha responsible for downward movement such as urination, ejaculation, menstruation, child birth and bowel motion.
The obstruction may occur due to accumulation of toxins (ama) in the body channels. Ama may obstruct the path alone or with vitiated dosha. If associated with pitta dosha the menstrual blood becomes thick, heavy and congested. With kapha dosha the menstrual blood is thick, sticky with mucous secretion.
The blockage of vata dosha results in pain during menstruation (dysmenorrhea) being the most common symptom of endometriosis.
Apana vayu when obstructed creates problems. This results in problems such as upward movement of menstrual blood causing endometriosis.
The reasons for aggravated vata dosha may be –
Eating too much cold, dry, pungent and bitter food
Excessive fasting
Too much work out
Taking meals at irregular schedule
Excessive travelling
Lack of sleep
Extreme environment
Suppression of natural urges
Ayurvedic treatment for endometriosis work on the following 4 aspects –
Balance of vata dosha is the most important
Balance of pitta dosha
Elimination of toxins
Strengthening the digestive system
There are many dietary and life style changes, ayurvedic medicines and therapies that help in balancing the doshas. Rest is the second best remedy for balancing apana vata.
Ayurvedic herbal treatment reduces the pain, unblocks the channels, reduces the endometrial tissues outside the uterus and reduces inflammation. The treatment aims to eliminate the root cause of the condition.
Panchakarma treatments are safe and effective in endometriosis.
1)Vamana or purgation with herbal medicine eliminates the toxins out of the body.
2)Abhyanga/snehana or massage – it enhances the lymphatic and blood circulation.
3)Swedana – it is a medicated steam bath.
4)Pizchil –it involves slow dripping of warm medicated oil on the body while doing massage.
5)Udvartana – the therapy eliminates the toxins from the lymphatic system.
6)Vasti chikitsa – it is the best therapy for pacifying vata dosha and the medicated enema is chosen as per the dosha. The method involves administration of medicated oil/ghee through the urethra, rectum and vaginal route.
Uttara basti is the term used when the basti therapy is given through uterine and vaginal route. It is the best treatment for gynecological disorders especially in endometriosis-associated infertility.
Ayurvedic treatment has shown significant result in endometriosis. A right treatment plan helps in curbing the symptoms and balance the doshas.