Female infertility has been growing in recent years. Although there is improvement in medical technology and treatment yet there are many couples that are unsuccessful in having a baby. There is a growing demand and patients are more inclined towards Ayurveda as a remedy for infertility.
The inability of a woman to conceive after unprotected sexual intercourse for a year or more also when a woman is not able to carry the pregnancy to a full term is called female infertility.
In Ayurveda the shukra dhatu is responsible for healthy reproductive system in female. There are 7 dhatu amongst which shukra dhatu is the last and if the six dhatu are healthy it results in a healthy shukra dhatu. Any shortcoming in these dhatus may lead to female infertility.
Female infertility can be diagnosed only when a woman is not being able to conceive after a regular unprotected sexual intercourse. To know more about things related to female infertility visit an ayurvedic practitioner.
Ayurveda is widely practiced in South India but now one may find many good ayurvedic centre in North India as well especially in Delhi. Let me give you details of ayurvedic treatment for female infertility in Delhi. Dr Chanchal Sharma is one of the best ayurvedic doctors in Delhi and here we shall discuss the treatment protocol followed by the famous ayurvedic infertility clinic in Delhi.
The approach towards female infertility treatment lies on balancing the doshas and enhancing the immunity. Poor digestion result in accumulation of toxins in the body channels and this is responsible for diseases occurring in the body. Therefore it is important to improve the digestion.
Panchakarma is a detoxification therapy that purifies the minute body channels by eliminating the toxins out of the body. There are 5 therapies included in Panchakarma, considered as the best method for infertility treatment in females. The method works by providing nourishment to the tissues and strengthening the body’s self-healing mechanism. Panchakarma is suggested for better effect of medicines. Shodhan therapy regulates the ovulatory cycle and basti therapy works wonder in all the gynecological issues. Uttara basti is the method where medicated ghee or oil is inserted into the uterus through vaginal route. The medicines inserted works on the reproductive system and improves the overall healing.
It is important for us to keep moving as it improves the blood circulation and lymphatic system. There are certain points on our hands and feet which on massage affects the reproductive system in females that results in treatment of female infertility.
The quality of herbs used for the treatment plays a crucial role. There are many ayurvedic centres in Delhi that promises quick recovery from certain ailments. However utmost care should be taken while selecting the clinic for undergoing any treatment, as there are cases where chemical based formulations are used on the name of herbs and Ayurveda. It is always a combination of herbs that benefits rather than a single herb. The herbal formulation such as kalyana ghrita, narayanam tailam, dadimadi ghrita, chandraprabha vati, punarnava, gokshura, kanchnar gugguu, kaishora guggulu, jeevanti, etc is used.
Apart from medicines and ayurvedic therapies diet and lifestyle plays a major role in infertility treatment in females. Diet rich in unsaturated fats, whole grain, fish and vegetables is said to improve fertility in women. Whereas alcohol, caffeine, sugar and saturated fats affects the fertility. It is evident that nutrition alters the fertility related outcome in women. folic acid, vitamin B 12, omega-3 fatty acid and a healthy diet are linked with positive effect on fertility.
A healthy diet and an ideal weight, increases the fertility. This is the reason Ayurveda suggest to include wide variety of food in your diet. With this we come to the conclusion that Ayurvedic approach is the best healthy way of dealing with infertility. For more information about Ayurveda and Infertility visit the ayurvedic consultant in Delhi.