Recurrence of Fibroids After Fibroid Surgery
Dr Chanchal Sharma Advices For Herbal Treatment In Uterine-Fibroid
Often silent alarms are intentionally unheard, but having attentive ears is warranted in Uterine Fibroid. Uterine-Fibroids are taken lightly by women underestimating its contribution in female-infertility. Keep no doubts ladies, if not directly, but indirectly Fibroid are directly the cause of Infertility in Women.
In a research it was noted that after fibrosis healing, chances of fertility enhanced in females.
Ayurvedic Infertility Expert Dr Chanchal insists the need for restating that even after surgical removal of Fibroid, chances of re-seeding persists. She suggests and encourages women Ayurvedic treatment for fibroids.
Read also : Cause of Infertility in Women
The criticality of Fibroid can be ascertained witnessing the cost U.S. bears each year on health-care. The health care spent on Fibroid is an estimate of $34.4 billion a year as they categorize it under public health concern. Fibroid are the tumor growth that develops on, or on inner walls of the uterus in women. Fibroid are also known as Uterine fibroid, or Leiomyoma and are indeed too painful and cause bleeding & infertility. The concerning factor about Uterine-Fibroid is, it’s asymptomatic. Women might have no clues about fibroid development in her.
Uterine fibroids are noncancerous and the chance of women developing them is about 70-80% in their lifetime. It hampers Women’s chances of fertility and life quality. Matured females, around 35-77% fall prey to Fibroid and chances increase as they age. It is more in women who are at the verge of starting with menopause and are traced during routine pelvic tests. It obstructs the fallopian tube and causes infertile conditions in women. During pregnancy, fibroid may develop quickly causing intense pain. Fibroids are above 3 cm in size and can exceed 10 and 70% women can have normal delivery.
Also read : Fallopian Tubal Blockage

The infertility conformity due to Uterine Fibroid in women has arrived on a factorial basis. In a research it was observed that removal of fibroids increased the pregnancy rate. Factoring inference from this test, yes fibroid in women does impact conception. In a clinical test by Bulletti et al. in 1999, removing fibroid increased conception rate from 25% to 42%. This study supports the fact that fibroid influence infertility. Fertility in women may be compromised due to fibroid as it may impact the embryo implantation by negatively altering the endometrial receptors, hence diminishing conception. Presence of fibroid in women poses 10-40% complications in pregnancy .
- Fibroid factor Miscarriage, Cesarean-section, Pre-mature Labor, mal-presentation of fetus & postpartum-hemorrhage.
- Pelvic pain due to red degenerative fibroid, lower apgar , renal-failure, fetal-limb anomalies, and hypercalcemia
Types of Fibroids in Females
Based on the size and development, fibroids are of three types –
- Subserosal fibroid: are common fibroid, with potential to displace into the pelvis region. Subserosal-fibroid can grow large at times & sometimes have an attached stalk (Pedunculated-fibroid).
- Intramural fibroid: develops in the muscular walls of the uterus.
- Submucosal fibroid: are rare and grow in open space inside the uterus & may have stalk attachment.
Fibroid exhibit distributed signs, women may have symptoms of Fibroid and may be asymptomatic.
- Longer & Heavy or periods
- Pressurized Pelvic Pain
- Frequent-Urination
- Back Aches
- Painful Intercourse
- Conception Hurdles
Also read – Hydrosalpinx Treatment
- Pelvic examination – recommended for women considering conception
- Ultrasonography (Saline Infusion Sonogram Preconception Test)
- Office Hysteroscopy (Optional) – determination of endometrial cavity.
- Hysterosalpingogram
- Hysterosonogram
- Laparoscopy
- Hysteroscopy

Re-Seeding Fibroid recurrence within 5 years of post fibroid surgery is 15-51%.
Removing Fibroid using surgery is not a permanent solution. Ayurvedic treatment is the best and non-surgical method of treating uterine-fibroid in women.
A clinical study organized by an Ayurveda Research Centre in 2014 concludes the effectiveness of Ayurvedic treatment. An unmarried woman had complaints of pelvic pains and got no relief by seeking modern treatment. She had a 35 mm × 13 mm sized uterine fibroid on the outer wall of Uterus. After using Ayurvedic Herbs for 7 weeks her Ultrasonography test showed that her fibroid was completely cleared.
Same herbs were given to a married woman having uterine fibroid size 28 mm × 18 mm size of excessive and irregular periods, pain lower abdomen and back, of variable intensity being present throughout the cycle. After being treated with the same herbs her periods normalized and also her pains completely stopped.
Natural Treatment – Ayurvedic Herbs Fibroids Controllers
Both the patients above were treated with the same herbal combinations as stated below.
- Kanchanar Guggulu, Kanchanar-Amalki, Bhibitaki, Harikati, Pipali,Shunti, Maricha,
- Vata-Kapha Hara medications, Raktashodhaka, Lekhana (scrapping or dissolving) properties.
- Srotodushti, Aamapachana and Vatanulomana Ayurvedic completely cured root problems associated with the development of Fibroid in women. It cures and nourishes the reproductive parts like Uterus, Fallopian tube, Viginal tract and other related organs, thereby enhancing their functions which increases fertility chances in females.
When it is quite obvious that surgical means aren’t full-proof of eradicating Fibroid and threat of recurrence persists, then it is logical to go with natural treatment for healing uterine-fibroids in women.