Freedom from Infertility : Ayurveda & Panchakarma Treatment Centre
Freedom from Infertility : Tubal Blockage
In Ayurveda, infertility is defined as a woman’s biological inability to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term. When a couple has been sexually active for a year without using birth control and is still unable to conceive, they are considered infertile according to modern medical standards.
As reported by the top infertility specialist, the leading reason for female infertility is issues with ovulation. For the ovary to release an egg, ovulation must occur. One symptom that a woman isn’t ovulating is absent or irregular menstruation. Uterine abnormalities, endocrine disorders, uterine fibroids, and a Blocked Fallopian Tubes (which transfers the egg from the ovary to the uterus) are some additional causes of infertility.
Read More : Best Ayurvedic Doctor in Delhi – Dr. Chanchal Sharma
Age, stress, diet, exercise, body mass index (BMI), the presence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and any health condition that alters a woman’s hormone levels can all have an impact on her fertility.
Regarding Ayurveda for infertility, a healthy lifestyle and diet are crucial for preventing and treating illness and giving you freedom from infertility.
Ojus-enhancing foods should be eaten regularly because they improve one’s Ojus, the factor at the intersection of one’s physical, mental, and spiritual health that determines one’s health, energy, and vitality. On the other hand, Ojus-depleting activities should be avoided at all costs.
To increase fertility and treat infertility in both sexes, it is essential to regulate ovulation and sperm count. Good nutrition gives the body all the necessary nutrients, including the hormonally-active fibres. Sugary and starchy processed foods, as well as antibiotic- and hormone-treated meat, can harm fertility.
The Roots of Infertility
Infertility can have causes on both the male and female sides. Infertility can be caused by several reasons, including those about the ovaries and fallopian tubes, the woman’s age, complications within the uterus, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, and so on. Diet, emotional instability, excessive physical activity, lifestyle, and stress can interrupt the menstrual cycle by causing Dosha imbalances (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha).
Male infertility can be caused by various medical concerns, including but not limited to varicocele, infections, ejaculation problems, tumors, hormonal imbalances, abnormalities of the tubules that carry sperm, and similar diseases.
A Mumbai infertility specialist says most health problems stem from the vitiation of the body’s digestive fire and the three ruling forces.
Freedom From IVF

Today, infertility is a medical emergency. Many factors, including what we eat daily, our environment, and stress in our families, are to blame, say medical experts. “Stress” is the primary culprit behind infertility.
Aasha Ayurveda’s Dr. Chanchal Sharma says that Ayurveda has been used to treat infertility for thousands of years. Compared to IVF procedures, which only have a 30% success rate, the news that Ayurvedic infertility treatments have a success rate of over 90% comes as quite a shock.
Freedom From Endometriosis
Spending time with a child may calm the most nervous of us down. Unfortunately, many modern married couples never experience the joy of parenthood despite their best efforts.
The Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction estimates that 10-14% of Indians cannot have children because of this. A lot of money and time has been spent on allopathic procedures like IVF and IUI in the hopes of having a child, but so far, it has been unsuccessful.
But now there’s writing to ease your mind: if one door closes, another one opens. If conventional medicine cannot help, then what? “Ayurveda” is a branch of Indian medicine. Aasha Ayurveda, bizarre as it may sound, made it a reality.
Many married people now have a reason to get freedom from infertility. Compared to the cost of infertility treatment at a private hospital, Aasha Ayurveda is surprisingly affordable to treat Endometriosis. While the success rate of in vitro fertilization (IVF) is around 20-30%, Ayurvedic medicine has a success rate of more than 90%.
Numerous couples have experienced the joy of parenthood with the help of Aasha Ayurveda. Dr. Chanchal Sharma, who has been using Ayurveda to treat patients for over eight years, founded Aasha Ayurveda in 2014.
Dr. Chanchal Sharma says, “Today’s lifestyle has changed; people may disregard gynecological issues at first but subsequently have trouble conceiving. She hopes that all couples will experience the happiness of having a child.
Freedom From Hydrosalpinx
Ama pachana and Agni deepana
An imbalance in Agni (the strength of digestion) can lead to Ama development (toxins created when undigested food forms in the stomach), the root cause of many illnesses like Hydrosalpinx. Therefore, maintaining a healthy Ama balance requires using Ayurvedic medicines for digestion, alleviation of flatulence, and eating regularly. Ayurvedic Panchakarma therapies for removing Ama also aid in bringing Agni back under control. Ojas, or vitality, requires a vigorous Agni.
Infertility is primarily a Vata dosha condition. Vatanulomana (reestablishing Vata’s functions) is, thus, fundamental in treating infertility. Ayurvedic remedies, consistent physical activity, and a well-planned diet can all help with Vatanulomana.
Before engaging in sadhana, the proper sneha-swedes are carried out. Emesis (Vamana), purgation (Virechana), medicated enema (Vasti), and urethral/vaginal special enema (Utharavasti) are some of the treatments used to treat the patient. Patients require a strict diet (Peyadi krama) following Sodhana. This detoxification procedure can more easily flush toxins out of the body. These procedures can help with infertility difficulties involving the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus.
The Ayurvedic treatments offered by infertility clinics help patients relax and purge their bodies of harmful substances. They refuel the body, stimulate the mind, and strengthen the immune system. They reduce anxiety and tension while balancing Vata and nourishing the body’s dhatus.
Freedom From PCOD/PCOS
“We’ve been fighting with PCOD and PCOS for 11 years; I began treating it in 2005. We spent millions of rupees on ineffective methods like IVF but to no avail. We do not have a lot of disposable income, yet we were able to start a family with the support of Ayurvedic medicine and a relatively small outlay of cash.”