Tubal infection is caused by malignant bacterial growth in the fallopian tubes. The tube connects ovaries to the uterus and hence plays a crucial role in fertilization.

Infection in the fallopian tube is the most common reason for female infertility. The term used for fallopian tube infection is salpingitis, which may be acute or chronic. It is often seen in pelvic inflammatory diseases. The tubal infection if not treated on time may damage the tubes permanently.


Tubal infection is a result of hazardous bacteria such as mycoplasma, streptococcus and staphylococcus. Diseases transmitted through sexual intercourse such as chlamydia, gonorrhea etc also causes infection in the tubes. The bacteria may enter the female reproductive system through sexual intercourse, intra-uterine device, abortion, appendicitis and child birth.

If the tubal infection is not treated on time, it may lead to complications such as tubo-ovarian abscess, ectopic pregnancy, infertility, infection to the sex partner and the infection may spread to the other parts of reproductive system.


Infection in the fallopian tubes can result in blockage of the tubes. One may observe the following symptoms in tubal infection –

Vaginal discharge with foul smell
Pain during sexual intercourse
Pain during ovulation
Pain in the lower abdomen
Pain during menstruation

If you are having these symptoms do not delay and visit your doctor soon.


Ayurveda is not just a science but also a way of life. The herbal medicines, therapies and holistic approach towards life all together cure the infection in the tubes.


We all are aware of the role of diet and lifestyle in prevention and cure for any disease. A healthy balanced diet increases your immunity and reduces the inflammation.


Panchakarma therapy is a detoxification therapy that helps to remove the toxicity from the body, clears all the minute body channels and thus purifies the body. Uttara basti under panchakarma is the treatment of choice for any gynecological disorder and works wonder in tubal infection as well.

1) Abhyanga or massage is a method used to improve blood circulation so that the medicines are absorbed and work where required. The therapy reduces inflammation, clears the blockage, breaks the scar tissues and loosens the tight twisted tissues.

2) Swedana with hot water bag relieves stiffness. Snehana and swedana relieves pain and relaxes the pelvic organs.

3) Uttara basti -This therapy should be carried out under strict supervision of experienced ayurvedic doctor as it is bit complicated but safe to use. Medicated liquid is inserted through the uterine canula into the uterus. Herbal formulations used for uttar basti are phala ghrita, phala kalian ghrita, varunadi ghrita, kshara taila, dhanwantari taila, bala taila,shatavari taila, pancha tikta guggulu ghrita, guduchyadi taila etc.

Ayurvedic herbs used in the treatment are vidarikanda, brahmi, yashtimadhu, ashwagandha, guduchi, eladi churna, chitrakadi haritaki, mahalxmivilasa rasa, draksharishta etc.

If you are suffering from any infection in the fallopian tube adopt Ayurveda as it has a holistic approach towards curing any disease, be it tubal infection or infertility. Ayurvedic medicine has no side effect and has significant result in healing diseases.

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