Hydrosalpinx Treatment
What Is Hydrosalpinx Fallopian Tube
Hydro means water and salpinx refers to fallopian tube. It is a condition in which the fallopian tubes are blocked and filled with fluid. This swollen and fluid filled tube is called hydrosalpinx.
What Causes Hydrosalpinx
It may be caused by some old infection in the tubes. There are several reasons for hydrosalpinx to occur. The most common causes are-
Sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, gonorrhea
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Ruptured appendicitis
Abdominal surgery
What Are the Symptoms of Hydrosalpinx
Symptoms include abdominal and pelvic pain and unusual vaginal discharge. The hydrosalpinx may occur without any symptoms. In many women the diagnosis was made while working on infertility.
There are several methods to diagnose hydrosalpinx.
Sonohysterosalpingography: in this fluid and air is passed through woman’s cervix into the uterus and then TVS (transvaginal ultra sound) is used to detect any blockage.
Ultrasound is also done but is not much useful in detecting the blockage.
Hysterosalpingography (HSG) displays tubal blockages. It is a type of X-ray where a special dye is introduced through the vagina and cervix.
Keyhole surgery or laparoscopy is a procedure where a small incision is made and a camera is inserted in the abdomen. Through this blockage is seen and removed.
Hydrosalpinx and Infertility
Sperm must meet an egg for pregnancy to occur. An egg is released from the ovary on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. The pathway should be clear for an egg to complete its journey upto uterus.
Fallopian tubes are the pathway for egg and sperm to meet. The egg travels along the fallopian tube to the uterus. Due to hydrosalpinx the fallopian tubes are blocked with fluid that obstructs the pathway of the egg.
If the blockage is in one tube there is a possibility to conceive. The fluid, causing blockage in the tube may leak into the uterus and disturb the embryo implantation.
Natural Treatment of Hydrosalpinx and Home Remedies for Hydrosalpinx
Hydrosalpinx treatment without surgery includes a clear passage approach which has helped women get pregnant without surgery. Following a proper diet and lifestyle is the best way of naturally treating hydrosalpinx.
The first step is to reduce the inflammation hence avoid food that increases inflammation. Foods such as red meat and dairy products, caffeine, gluten, soy, sugar, non organic fruits and vegetables, refined carbohydrates and vegetable oils must be avoided.
Foods to add in your diet includes-
Green leafy vegetables
Bone broth
Healthy fats
Lifestyle modification is the most effective way to naturally cure hydrosalpinx.
-Exercise is believed to boost fertility and unblock fallopian tubes.
-Yoga is effective in reducing stress and stress reduces fertility. Certain yoga poses are recommended for treating blocked fallopian tubes.
-Meditation has a similar effect as yoga. It is also helpful in improving fertility.
-Reducing alcohol intake can improve the overall health and fertility.
-Fertility massage is recommended to unblock fallopian tubes. it involves warm medicated oil massage on the abdominal area.
-Marma therapy works in regulating the functioning of fallopian tube. It improves circulation and breaks the adhesions around the fallopian tube.
Always make sure to consult a doctor before opting any of the natural treatment for blocked fallopian tubes.
Hydrosalpinx Treatment in Ayurveda
Ayurvedic treatment for hydrosalpinx is similar to treatment done for blocked fallopian tube. According to Ayurveda tubal blockage is considered vata predominant tridoshaja condition. Vata causes constriction, kapha causes swelling and pitta causes inflammation. Ayurvedic medicine for hydrosalpinx should possess tridoshghna properties.
Uttara basti with medicated oil is the best ayurvedic treatment for hydrosalpinx. The herbs are selected according to the patient’s need. Before performing uttara basti the peri vaginal area is sterilized with certain decoction.
If you are looking for natural and non invasive treatment for the blocked fallopian tubes consult the best ayurvedic doctor for hydrosalpinx.
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Frequently Asked Questions
With hydrosalpinx there is a chance of getting pregnant but miscarriage is the common complication with it. if both the tubes are obstructed or if it is hydrosalpinges then getting pregnant naturally is not possible.
Proper diet, healthy life style, panchakarma therapies along with herbal medicines are natural remedies for hydrosalpinx.
When both the tubes are filled with fluid it is called bilateral hydrosalpinx or hydrosalpinges.
Ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves to produce a real time image of the fallopian tubes. If the fallopian tubes are normal it is not visible whereas a fluid filled tube appears large and is in the shape of sausage. Thus hydrosalpinx can be seen on ultrasound.
Proper diet, healthy life style, panchakarma therapies along with herbal medicines are natural treatment for hydrosalpinx.
Treatment includes snehana, swedana, virechana, uttara basti and dhoopan chikitsa. Uttara basti is the best technique for treating hydrosalpinx. The method involves inserting medicated oil/ghee in the uterus. Ayurvedic medicines used in hydrosalpinx include narayana choorna, yograj guggulu, chandraprabha vati,mahashankha vati, punarnava mandoor, dashmoolarishta, kalyan ghrita, phala ghrita, shatavari choorna, safed musli etc are beneficial in hydrosalpinx.