Panchakarma is used not only as a treatment but also for maintaining the health of an individual. Nasya karma is one of the panchakarmas. The therapy involves administration of medicated herbs through the nasal passage. These herbs are used in the form of oil, ghee, powder, liquid and smoke.
Nasya karma has a direct effect on the organs above the neck and indirectly affects the whole body. Unlike the other procedures of panchakarma that aims to pacify the aggravated doshas, nasya karma targets in pacifying disorders in the head and neck region. The method eliminates the toxins from the head region.
The drugs indicated in the nasya karma travels through nasal cavity- olfactory epithelium- ethmoid bones- anterior cranial fossa to medial and lateral olfactory area of cerebral cortex.
“औषधमौषधसिद्धो वा स्नेहो नासिकाभ्याम दीयसि इसि नस्यम् |”
Nasya is a therapeutic procedure in which drug is administered through the nasal route.
There are 5 types of nasya –
It is an important type of nasya and can be used often. Anu taila is used in this method. It includes using medicated oil given in drops in the nose. Navana nasya is indicated in headache, hair loss, earache or ear disorder, frozen shoulder, premature greying of hair etc.
2) Avapida nasya
In this the herbal extracts is administered through nasal passage. It is indicated in epilepsy,anxiety, fear, anger, neurological disorder, nasal bleeding etc.
3) Pradhamana Nasya
It is shodhan nasya and includes inhalation of the drugs in the form of powder through nadi yantra. It is indicated in krimija siroroga, poisoning and mental diseases. Drugs used in pradamana nasya are katphala, garlic, rock salt, vacha, maricha etc.
4) Dhuma nasya
this type of nasya karma involves intake of medicated fumes through nose and letting it out through oral route. It is indicated in shiro roga (disease in head), nasa roga (disease in nose) and akshi roga (eye disease).
5)Pratimarsha nasya
The method involves administration of medicated oil through the nostrils. It is carried out very conveniently. It is indicated after exercise, sex, defecation, gargle,vamana therapy, head massage etc.
After passing out urine, intake of proper diet, the patient is given light snehana (head massage). Tapa swedana is indicated on specific area followed by massage in specific areas such as head, neck and face region. It loosens the accumulated toxins.
Pradhankarma –
The patient is laid in a specific position according to the type of nasya karma to be given.
Paschatkarma –
After nasya karma dhumapana, kawalgraha, proper and light diet is consumed. After giving medicine gentle massage on the shoulder, neck and face is done. Swedana is repeated after nasya karma. There are certain things to be avoided such as travelling, sleep, anger, alcohol, cold water etc.
cough, throat infection, sleepiness, foul smell in mouth, grahano dosha etc.
]BayaM v
aa Sairrmalaivarocanaaivdrocana saM&a laBato It is performed before performing any other steps. Vamana must always be performed before virechan karma the reason being
Nasya karma is indicated in –
Facial palsy
Disease related to ear, nose and throat etc.
According to Charaka Samhita, it is contraindicated in the following cases-
After food intake
Soon after consuming ghee or oil
Intoxicated with alcohol
Excess thirst
Tired person
Soon after virechana
Immediately after anuvasan basti
In children and etc
Some of the drugs used in nasya karma include apamarga, pippali, maricha, vidanga, shigru, anu taila, jatyadi taila, vacha, kumkumadi taila etc.
Thus nasya karma if done properly has various benefits such as- prevention of eyes-ear and nose disease, healthy hair, maintains the healthy scalp, delays ageing, pleasant oral smell etc.
Frequently Asked Questions
Nasya treatment in Ayurveda includes instillation of herbal oils and powder through the nasal route. The therapy works in problems related to ear, nose and throat. It works on diseases occurring above the neck as nasal pathway is the gateway to the head.
Benefits of nasya karma includes –
– Improves the growth and health of the hair.
-Enhances the function of sense organs and prevents diseases related to head.
-Delays ageing
“औषधमौषधसिद्धो वा स्नेहो नासिकाभ्याम दीयसि इसि नस्यम् |” Nasya is a therapeutic procedure in which drug is administered through the nasal route.