pcos and pcod, treatment for pcos and pcod

PCOS and PCOD: Their Causes, Symptoms and Ayurvedic Treatment

Many have been treated. Now, it’s your turn. When Ayurveda is highly effective in treating the problems related to the reproductive system and infertility, why not try it? And the best thing about ayurvedic treatment is it uses herbal medicines rather than those pills that can also render severe side-effects.

Ayurveda is an ancient medicinal system with a deep understanding of human biology. It is quite wonderful that the founder of Ayurveda found out natural herbs that are very effective in treating illnesses. As those herbs are natural, the danger of harmful side-effects is almost not possible if the herbs are used with a proper knowledge. (Read more – किन लड़कियों को अधिक होती है PCOD की समस्या, कैसे करें इलाज?)

Not only herbs but there are also therapies which involve natural substances. Ayurveda has great ways for detoxification of the body, maintaining the hormonal balance, curing infertility and the problems of the reproductive system, including PCOS and PCOD.

  • PCOS full form- polycystic ovarian syndrome
  • PCOD full form- polycystic ovarian disorder

Are PCOS and PCOD different?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is said to be a metabolic disorder of the endocrine system. High levels of male hormones may cause irregularity in ovulation causing this condition. Because of PCOS, cysts can also form in the ovary.

Polycystic ovarian disorder (PCOD) is related to the eggs of the ovaries. The ovaries release either immature or partially mature eggs. Over time, these eggs turn into cysts. As a result, other problems, such as abdominal pain, irregular periods, male pattern hair loss or weight gain may take place. It is said that an unhealthy lifestyle, junk food or being overweight may cause this condition.

(Read More – PCOS/PCOD होने के बावजूद भी हो सकती है प्रेगनेंट, फॉलो करें आयुर्वेदिक टिप्स)

PCOS and PCOD: which is more dangerous?

PCOS is said to be a more dangerous condition. That is because PCOS is a metabolic disorder. It can also have serious complications as women with PCOS could be at a higher risk of high blood pressure, obesity, and developing diabetes and the endometrium related problems.

Teenage girls who suffer from PCOS could also have symptoms, such as weight gain, excessive hair growth or acne.

PCOD is more common and can also be corrected with a balanced, healthy diet and exercise. It is said that PCOD does not significantly cause fertility problems. Women suffering from it mostly succeed to become pregnant with some medical help. On the other hand, women suffering from PCOS may have a hard time trying to become pregnant. The symptoms that PCOS and PCOD manifest may be similar, but in the case of PCOD, women still have chances of getting pregnant as they continue to ovulate periodically. But in the case of PCOS, infertility can also take place because the production of male hormones goes up. And this can even stop the ovulation process.

(Read More – What is Panchakarma Therapy Treatment? What are its Benefits?)

PCOD problem symptoms

The symptoms of PCOS and PCOD could also be similar. Some of the symptoms are:

  • Acne (chest, face or upper back)
  • Hair growth in excess (face, body, chest, belly, or back)
  • Hair thinning or hair loss
  • Heavy bleeding during menstruation
  • Weight gain
  • Irregular menstruation
  • Darkening of the skin (neck or under the breasts, or in the groin)
  • Absence or skipped periods
What complications women with PCOS and PCOD may have?

There are several complications that women with PCOS and PCOD may have. They are:

  • Stress or depression
  • Miscarriage
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • A metabolic syndrome (this may include high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease or risk of high blood sugar)
  • Sleep problems
  • Preterm labor
  • Premature birth
  • Endometrial cancer, as the endometrium may become thick
Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS and PCOD

People have questions like how to cure PCOS permanently, and how to cure PCOD permanently? Ayurvedic doctors can provide effective treatment of these two problems. But why should one go for an ayurvedic treatment? It is because ayurvedic treatment has several benefits. Some of the benefits are:

  • Excellent for overall health. Ayurveda is excellent for overall health. The aim of Ayurveda is not only about treating people but also helping them stay strong and healthy both physically and mentally.
  • Effective herbs for fertility. There are several ayurvedic herbs that can boost fertility in both males and females.
  • Non-surgical treatment. Some women are recommended surgery for fallopian tube blockage by modern science doctors. But Ayurveda has a significant therapy for this. An ayurvedic doctor administers medicated oil into the uterus via the vagina and the cervix through a thin tube. Medicated oil reaches the internal organs, including the fallopian tube, to heal them.
  • No side-effect. Allopathy medicines are full of man-made chemicals and sometimes can have severe side-effects. But, ayurvedic medicines are herbs that give no side-effects if used properly.
  • Affordable. Ayurvedic treatment is less expensive; and therefore, it is affordable by many people. Many herbs are not expensive, and they give better results.

If you are looking for an ayurvedic clinic in Delhi, consult Dr Chanchal Sharma, a PCOS Specialist.

Final thoughts

Doctor Chanchal Sharma is an ayurvedic doctor with more than 8 years of experience. She has successfully treated many patients with PCOS and PCOD. You can take information about treatment plans, fertility herbs and treatment therapies.

(Read More – Male Infertility: Symptoms and Causes – Dr Chanchal Sharma)

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