Tubal Blockage Treatment | Treatment for Blocked Fallopian Tubes by Dr. Chanchal Sharma
Fallopian tube blockage infertility occurs when the egg and sperm cannot unite due to a blockage in the fallopian tubes. 25-30% of all instances of infertility are attributable to tubal factor infertility. The condition encompasses cases of entirely blocked fallopian tubes, as well as cases in which a single tube is blocked or the tubes are constricted by scarring. However, there is a Tubal blockage treatment in Ayurveda which we will know more about in the blog.
Causes of Blocked Fallopian Tube
Scar tissue or pelvic adhesions frequently obstruct the fallopian tubes. These can be caused by a variety of factors, such as:
- Inflammatory disease of the pelvis: This condition may result in fibrosis or hydrosalpinx.
- Endometriosis: Endometrial tissue can accumulate in the fallopian tubes, resulting in an obstruction. Endometrial tissue on the exterior of other organs may also result in adhesions that obstruct the fallopian tubes.
- STDs: Chlamydia and gonorrhea can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease and fibrosis.
- Previous ectopic pregnancy: This can cause fallopian tube scarring.
- Fibroids: These growths can obstruct the fallopian tube, specifically at their attachment to the uterus.
- Prior Abdominal Operation: Prior surgery, particularly on the fallopian tubes, can result in pelvic adhesions that obstruct the tubes.
There are numerous causes of obstructed fallopian tubes that cannot be prevented. Nevertheless, you can reduce your risk of STIs by using a condom during sexual activity.
Symptoms of Fallopian Tube Blockage
Most women may have a blocked fallopian tube without experiencing any signs and symptoms of fallopian tube blockage.
If you want to know the condition of your tubes then you will have to examine your conditions because that can be signs and symptoms of fallopian tube blockage. For instance, endometriosis is known to cause pelvic pain and painful, heavy periods.
Here are the list of common signs of fallopian tube blockage:
- Pelvic pain: During menstruation a woman with blockage in fallopian tubes might suffer from the pain in the pelvic region.
- Abdominal pain: Blockage of fallopian tubes may result in irregular or heavy menstrual cycles.
- Painful sex: Pain during intercourse may be a sign of blocked fallopian tubes.
- Heavy bleeding during menstruation : A woman who is suffering from Fallopian tube blockage might have heavy bleeding during menstruation in comparison to other women.
- Infertility: One of the most obvious symptoms of blocked fallopian tubes is infertility. Women who are unable to conceive even after a year of trying may have blocked tubes.

Ayurvedic Perspective on Tubal Blockage Treatment
It can be considered a Vata-dominated tridosha illness. The root cause of all illnesses is the vitiation of one or more doshas. The most important cause of tubal infertility is the vitiation of Vata. Its Ruksha and Khara gunas result in stenosis, sclerosis, and restriction of the fallopian tube. The avrodhak of Kapha. Blockage of the fallopian tube is also caused by guna. Many infections can produce Paka, or inflammation, which can be caused by Pitta. It is crucial to understand that different types of tubal blockage cannot be the same.
What is Uttar Basti?
Uttar Basti is a specialized ayurvedic panchakarma treatment for Tubal blockage treatment involving the installation of medicated oil into the uterus for five days per menstrual cycle for approximately three cycles. This technique has a success rate of over 90% in cases of blocked fallopian tubes. As this is a Panchakarma procedure, appropriate snehan and Sweden must be performed prior to Uttar Basti, and medicated oil tamponing (pichu) must be performed after Uttarbasti. All instruments and medicated oil must be thoroughly autoclaved and sterilized. It is a natural and harmless process that does not require hospitalization. While undergoing uttar Basti treatment, the patient can continue with her daily regimen.
How can Uttar Basti aid in the Tubal Blockage Treatment?
Ayurvedic panchakarma treatment includes Uttarbasti. It addresses issues with the urinary and genital systems.
- Uttarbasti, or intrauterine medication instillation, is the most efficacious Ayurvedic treatment for blocked fallopian tube. The Artava Vaha Strotas, i.e. the uterus and fallopian tube, are purified through a non-surgical procedure.
- Garbhashaya is a type of Uttarvasti Gata Vashti – Vashti is administered through the uterus to resolve garbhashaya issues. It aids in the treatment of female urogenital tract infections.
- Mutrashaya Gata Vashti – Infection-treating medication is administered through the urinary tract.
Protocol for Tubal Blockage Treatment:
5 ml of Uttarbasti is to be monitored over the course of six days with intervals. It is a non-invasive procedure that requires a hypodermic and must be performed in an operating room. Patients are instructed to avoid eating piquant foods during Tubal blockage treatment. Extra precautions must be taken to avoid constipation.
Effectiveness of Uttar Basti
- It is a completely natural Fallopian Tube Blockage Treatment with a high success rate. Uttarbasti is a cleansing practice. It cleanses the uterus and other genital organs and corrects irregularities in the menstrual cycle.
- Contrary to allopathic medications, the organic ingredients in this product have no side effects.
- It aids in the free flow of blood and nerve function.
- In addition to repairing tubal obstruction, Uttarbasti is used to treat infertility, premature births, DUB, fibroid, low sperm count, lethargy, prostate growth, etc.
In conclusion, fallopian tube blockage can be a challenging and emotionally taxing issue for women attempting to conceive. Traditional medical Fallopian tube blockage treatment, such as surgery and assisted reproductive technology, can be invasive, costly, and ineffective in addressing the underlying causes of the blockage.
Dr. Chanchal Sharma, an Ayurvedic medicine specialist, offers a non-invasive and holistic Treatment for blocked fallopian tubes that emphasizes the use of natural remedies, including herbal remedies, dietary changes, massage therapy, and stress-reduction techniques, to improve overall health and unblock fallopian tubes. With Dr. Sharma’s expertise and commitment to a holistic approach, women with fallopian tube blockage have a promising alternative to conventional medical treatment.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Yes, fallopian tubes can be unblocked without surgery with the help of ayurvedic medicines, Panchakarma therapies, healthy diet and lifestyle modifications.
Dr Chanchal Sharma has given a success rate of 90% in case of blocked fallopian tube.
There are many diagnoses that doctors use to check fallopian tube blockage like HSG, Ultrasound, MRI, Pelvic test, Blood Test, etc.
he information in this article has been given to us by Dr. Chanchal Sharma. If you want more information on this topic or other PCOS, Tube Blockages Treatment or Hydrosalpinx treatments. Visit Website or contact us at ☎ 9811773770.
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