What are Tube Block Treatment? and How to Cure Fallopian Tube Blockage
The fallopian tubes are also known as the uterine tubes. It is situated on either side of the uterus in females and is in charge of returning male sperm and eggs from the ovary to the uterus. With the help of ciliated epithelium lining the Fallopian tubes, the egg rolls from the ovary into the uterus once a month. Sperm migration toward the egg is facilitated by the ciliary activity of the epithelia. A woman’s capacity to conceive may be diminished by a blockage caused by Fallopian tube scarring or adhesion. This blog post will help you to know what are blocked fallopian tubes? And how to cure fallopian tube blockage? What is Tube Block Treatment?
What are Blocked Fallopian Tubes?
Any restriction in the fallopian tubes that stops an egg from passing through the uterus and sperm from reaching the egg is known as a blocked fallopian tube. The chance of becoming infertile is increased when fallopian tubes are blocked. You don’t need to be stressed about tube block treatment because ayurveda provides the natural treatment without any surgery.
In about 35% of cases, a blockage of the Fallopian tubes results in infertility in women. Infertility caused by obstruction of one or both of a woman’s Fallopian tubes is known as tubal factor infertility. Hopefully now you must have a better understanding of what are blocked Fallopian tubes?

What are the Causes of Blocked Fallopian Tubes?
There are several causes of blocked fallopian tubes. The following are the most typical:
Endometriosis: Some women might not be aware that endometrial tissue can build up in the fallopian tubes and obstruct them. A tubal blockage may also arise from the growth of endometrial tissues on the outside of other organs.
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs): Gonorrhea and chlamydia scarring can lead to urethral blockage.
Pelvic inflammatory disease: This condition can cause infections and tissue scarring, both of which increase the risk of hydrosalpinx.
Fibroids: The formation of fibroids that are attached to or near the uterus may result in blockage of the fallopian tubes.
Previous ectopic pregnancy: Ectopic pregnancy can cause the fallopian tube’s tissues to scar, which can obstruct the tube.
Previous abdominal surgery: Adhesion or scarring from prior fallopian tube surgeries may hinder the tubes from operating normally.
Symptoms of Blocked Fallopian Tubes
Most women may have a blocked fallopian tube without exhibiting any symptoms or indicators. A hydrosalpinx, in which fluid fills and enlarges a blocked fallopian tube, is the most prevalent type of blocked fallopian tube.
Conditions that result in a blocked fallopian tube may be the cause of the Blocked Tubes Symptoms. For instance, endometriosis is known to cause pelvic pain and painful, heavy periods.
Here are the list of common symptoms of blocked fallopian tubes:
- Pelvic pain
- Abdominal pain
- Painful sex
- Heavy bleeding during menstruation
- Infertility
Diagnosis of fallopian tube blockage
The detection of blocked fallopian tubes may be challenging. It’s hard to tell if the tubes are blocked or obstructed because they can open and close.
To identify the cause of tubal blockage you have to understand what are blocked fallopian tubes? And how to cure fallopian tube blockage? what is tube block treatment? It will help to recommend the best cure for blocked fallopian tubes and course of action for treating it, three primary tests are used:
An X-ray examination known as an HSG, or HysteroSalpinGogram. A harmless dye that should travel via the fallopian tubes is injected into the womb by a doctor. X-rays show the presence of the stain. It’s possible that the fallopian tubes are obstructed if fluid is not entering them.
The phrase “sonohysterogram” refers to an ultrasound examination. This test is comparable to the HSG test except that it uses sound waves to visualize the tubal blockage.
How to cure fallopian tube blockage? What are the required lifestyle changes for tube block treatment?
It can be classified as Vata-dominated tridosha illness. The primary cause of any disease is the vitiation of one or more doshas. Vitiation of the Vata is the most critical factor in tubal blockage infertility. Its Ruksha and Khara gunas produce fallopian tube constriction, sclerosis, and stenosis. Kapha is also accountable for fallopian tubal blockage through its avrodhak Guna. Pitta may be responsible for Paka (inflammation) induced by several illnesses. So it is critical to recognize that not all tubal blockages are the same and what is the best tube block treatment for you. But here are some cure for blocked fallopian tube:
Quit smoking: Smoking may make the risk higher.Reliable Source regarding ectopic pregnancy. This happens when an embryo develops in the fallopian tube, outside of the uterus.
Cotinine is the product of the breakdown of nicotine in cigarettes. Cotinine inhibits the fallopian tubes’ ability to produce the BAD gene. The fallopian tube’s environment is altered by a decrease in the BAD gene, making it more like the uterus. This may result in the embryo growing in the fallopian tube rather than moving on to the uterus. We refer to this as an ectopic pregnancy.
The fallopian tubes can become damaged and scarred by ectopic pregnancies, which can result in fallopian tube obstructions and infertility. Smoking can affect the quality of your eggs, and decreases the rate of fertility.
Avoid the consumption of alcohol: Drinking alcohol can affect pregnancy and fertility negativelyTrusted Source. For instance, consuming alcohol during fertility treatments may result in the following outcomes:
- decreasing fecundability, which is the possibility of getting pregnant within one menstrual cycle
- decreasing ovarian reserves, the quantity and caliber of eggs stored in the ovaries
- boosting the synthesis of hormones related to steroids
- lowering the quality of sperm
There isn’t any research on how drinking alcohol affects the health of the fallopian tubes at the moment.
Nonetheless, abstaining from alcohol should be a goal for anyone trying to conceive. Fetal alcohol syndrome can be more likely to develop in a pregnant woman who is unaware that she is carrying a child.
Reduce stress: In a 2017 study, the consequences of long-term stress on female rats’ reproductive systems were examined.
The rats’ fallopian tubes showed an irreversible decline in antioxidant activity as a result of prolonged stress, the researchers discovered.
They imply that the fallopian tubes may be permanently impacted by long-term stress. Nevertheless, additional investigations involving human subjects will be imperative to validate this discovery.
It’s possible that people’s fertility improves when they experience less stress. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine suggest the following activities for decreasing stress:
- Attempting visualization, meditation, and mindfulness practices
- keeping a journal
- perusing self-help literature
- doing yoga
- strolling or trekking
- attempting massage therapy
Exercise: Fertility might benefit from physical activity. In 2012, 3,628 women between the ages of 18 and 40 who were preparing for a natural pregnancy had their fertility examined.
The study found that replacing vigorous exercise with moderate exercise appeared to improve fertility among lean women. Also, any type of physical activity appeared to improve fertility among women with overweight or obesity.
However, there is currently no direct evidence to suggest that exercise will have any effect on blocked fallopian tubes specifically.
How to cure fallopian tube blockage naturally?
Uttarbasti is one of the best panchakarma techniques for Tube block treatment. Uttar Basti is a procedure in which medicinal oil is put into the uterus on Days 6, 7, and 8 of your menstrual cycle and repeated after a three-day break for three additional days. This method helps to eliminate adhesions, inflammation, and other issues in the fallopian tubes, thereby opening them. There is a nearly 90% likelihood that tubes will open. In addition to ayurveda drugs, fallopian tube blockage treatment includes panchakarma treatments such as Vamana and virechana based on the patient’s needs. We can also treat a single obstructed fallopian tube. It enhances the likelihood of natural conception.
Apart from these methods you should change your lifestyle and dietary habits to get the best results.
Vitamin C: Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps lower inflammation by improving immune system function. As a result, it is thought to mend scars and may benefit the fallopian tubes.
The Office for Dietary Supplements recommends getting 100% of your vitamin C from your diet. However, it can be taken as a supplement. Vitamin C is not stored in the body, thus it must be consumed daily.
Turmeric : Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory. Curcumin, the key element in turmeric, has been demonstrated to lower inflammation. You can take curcumin supplements, eat turmeric, or drink turmeric. Turmeric has no known adverse effects when used in small doses. However, in amounts over 8 grams per day, it can have a negative effect. Make sure to take the proper quantity of turmeric, or better yet, incorporate the spice into your food.
While turmeric has numerous benefits, no research has been conducted to determine whether it might help fallopian tube block treatment.
Ginger : Ginger, another natural anti-inflammatory component, is widely used and has numerous advantages. A 2014 study found that gingerol, the main chemical in ginger, is both an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory. Ginger can be the easily available tube block treatment.
Garlic : Garlic is frequently recommended as a strategy to improve fertility and unclog tubes. A 2004 study on the fertility advantages of garlic revealed that it could help with fertility. More evidence is required to validate this.
Aside from that ancient study, there is no proof that garlic improves fertility. However, a reasonable amount of garlic is completely safe, so it may be worth trying, plus there are additional health benefits to including garlic in your diet.
Ayurvedic fallopian tube block treatment eliminates all bodily diseases using an age-old technique, thereby revitalizing both the mind and body. We have compiled a list of infertility physicians with a solid track record of experience with the aid of this article. Surprisingly, Ayurveda has a success rate of over 90%, but IVF has extremely low success rates and is not accessible to the general people. The Aasha Ayurveda Treatment Center’s methods not only aid in infertility in both men and women, but they also offer hope for a healthy lifestyle by letting go of several health problems.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
What are the symptoms of tube block treatment?
Strong to moderate abdominal discomfort, fever, painful periods, strange-looking or smelly vaginal discharge, or pain during sex or urination are some possible symptoms, depending on the individual.
Can ayurveda cure tube block treatment?
By the long-term pacification of the deepana, pachana, apan Vatanulomana, and vata-kapha dosha, ayurveda aids in the complete cure of clogged fallopian tubes. It is accomplished by using herbal remedies, substances, and treatments to break down fats and regulate hormone balance.
How do I know if my fallopian tubes are blocked?
an X-ray examination called an HSG, or hysterosalpingogram. A nontoxic dye is injected into the womb by a doctor, and it should pass via the fallopian tubes. On an X-ray, the stain is evident. There can be a blockage in the fallopian tubes if the fluid does not enter them.
The information in this article has been given to us by Dr. Chanchal Sharma. If you want more information on this topic or other PCOS, tube blockages, or hydrosalpinx treatments. Visit Dr. Chanchal’s website, www.drchanchalsharma.com, or contact us at 9811773770.
Consult our highly experienced and trained fertility specialists and gynecologists at these five branches of Aasha Ayurveda in Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad and Lucknow for a completely confidential consultation and get the best treatment for PCOD, PCOS, or female infertility.