Panchakarma is well known globally and virechan is one of the therapy in panchakarma that is practiced actively.
“मलादो: निस्सरणं”
Meaning removal of dosha through anus.
The administration of purgative substance for elimination of excess of pitta dosha through the rectal route is called virechan.
“विरेचनं पित्तहरणं” mentioned in Charaka Samhita suggest that the therapy is the best treatment for diseases arising due to aggravated pitta doha.
The patient undergoes controlled purgation for specific time duration. It is beneficial in flushing the toxins from liver, colon etc.
Virechan is given when pitta dosha increases causing diseases such as gastritis, liver disease etc. Pitta is situated in intestine hence eliminating it through the rectal route becomes easy.
The therapy is indicated where pitta dosha is aggravated or pitta being dominant is associated with kapha or vata dosha.
Virechan karma is indicated in glaucoma, gout, worm infestation, skin disease, spleenomegaly, hemorrhoids, chronic fever etc.
It is contraindicated in children and old age, diarrhea, emaciation, indigestion, acute fever, immediately after vamana or basti karma, ulcerative colitis etc.
Depending on the doshas, virechan is of two types-
Snigdha virechana : the word snigdha means oily. Hence castor oil with haritki powder is used as virechak drug. It is beneficial when pitta dosha is associated with vata.
Rooksha virechana : it is benefical when pitta is associated with vata dosha. The most common drug used for it is trivrit paste.
Type of virechan to be used is decides by the ayurvedic doctor depending upon the disease and condition of the patient
Some of the best virechak dravya are- masha, trivrit, amala vetasa, snuhi ksheera, chaturangula, ashwagandha, haritki, jayaphala, sudha, dravanthi,tilvaka etc.
Few qualities of virechak drugs are-
1) It should be warm enough to melt the kapha toxins.
2) Sharp enough to cut the toxins.
3) Should spread deep into minute body channels.
4) Must work before digestion.
5) It must be able to remove the toxins with sticky nature.
The entire virechan karma comprises of 3 steps –
Pradhan karma
Paschat karma
Purvakarma is preparation of the body for main procedure. It includes two procedures i.e snehana (oleation) and swedana (steam therapy).
Internal oleation is done followed by massage (abhyanga) of the whole body with bala taila then steam therapy with dashmoola kwath is done.
Pradhankarma includes the virechan treatment. it is important for a patient to have a good sleep in the night before virechan is to be done. Virechak drug is administered after the kapha time is over. The quantity of the virechak drug is chosen according to the nature of the alimentary tract or koshtha.
Paschat karma- it is also known as samsarjana karma. It includes diet regimen to be followed after virechan is done. Liquid diet is started initially and is gradually turned to solids. The patient is advised to take bath in lukewarm water. Warm manda prepared through well cooked rice is given according to the digestion power of an individual. In this way the diet chart is planned for selected number of days.
Virechana is one of the effective ayurvedic treatment known to cure number of health problems without causing any side effect.
cough, throat infection, sleepiness, foul smell in mouth, grahano dosha etc.
]BayaM v
aa Sairrmalaivarocanaaivdrocana saM&a laBato It is performed before performing any other steps. Vamana must always be performed before virechan karma the reason being
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Virechan (purgation) is the second therapy of panchakarma. It is one of the most common therapy and is a treatment of choice in diseases caused due to aggravated pitta dosha. The pitta dosha is expelled forcibly through the anal route. It may also be administered in vata-pitta or pitta-kapha doshas where pitta is dominant. The therapy involves following specific dietary regimen to reach the normal diet and complete the therapy.
Virechan is beneficial in diseases occurring due to vitiate pitta.
We shall discuss here some of the important disorders where virechan works significantly.
1) Virechan is beneficial in skin treatment as the skin problems arise due to involvement of pitta and rakta. Under Aasha Ayurveda, skin care treatment in Delhi, significant relief was found in patients with eczema, hyper pigmentation, itching, psoriasis etc. The therapy improves the dushti symptoms of pitta and vata dosha. For any skin related issues one must visit the doctor for ayurvedic skin treatment. Aasha’s ayurvedic treatment for skin in Delhi stands tall amongst the other centres.
2) Virechan and basti are best therapy for weight loss treatment. Obesity is a metabolic disorder and so the therapy improves the metabolism by eliminating the toxins. Virechan is chosen over basti as it is less invasive. It flourishes the good gut microbiome and thus promotes weight loss and well being of the person.
3) Alopecia is an auto immune disorder also called as spot baldness. Pitta is the aggravated dosha here. Hair treatment required is, piita pacifying drugs and therapy. Virechan is the treatment of choice for expelling aggravated pitta dosha. Hence in the case of hair treatment in alopecia medicated purgation therapy reduces the pitta dosha and hence is an excellent therapy for management of alopecia.
Other benefits of virechan are it helps in lowering the cholesterol, improves the liver function, reduces the fat on the liver, chronic head ache, acne, hyperlipidemia, improves the function of the kidney and heart.
Ayurvedic virechan therapy is used to eliminate excess pitta dosha. It is used to eliminate excess pitta dosha with the help of herbal medicines that induces vomiting. Aasha Ayurvedic centre offers the best virechan treatment in Delhi.
“मलादो: निस्सरणं”
Meaning removal of dosha through anus.
The administration of purgative substance for elimination of excess of pitta dosha through the rectal route is called virechan.
“विरेचनं पित्तहरणं” mentioned in Charaka Samhita suggest that the therapy is the best treatment for diseases arising due to aggravated pitta dosha.